[ale] tigerDirect

Michael Potter michael at potter.name
Sun Nov 28 22:10:15 EST 2010

On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Chris Fowler
<cfowler at outpostsentinel.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-11-28 at 19:16 -0500, Greg Clifton wrote:
>> Tiger Direct is probably the best known of the Systemax brands, but
>> the company owns the Global companies (Computers, Office Supplies,
>> Industrial Equipment), CompUSA, Circuit City and Infotel distributing.
>> I am a bit surprised to hear that they are operating an actual store
>> front, but I would suspect that it was a former CC or CompUSA store
>> that they acquired in one of the acquisitions.
> No.  That was never a CompUSA or CC.  The place is big and is more of a
> warehouse than a storefront.  My guess is that TD ships a lot fomr
> Jefferson, GA and decided this year to create a store front out of some
> warehouse space.
> I went today to help a friend pick out a router.  They had a good
> selection of new vs refurb.  They also had a great selection on hard
> drives and memory.  It is no Frys but it does have a great selection and
> some decent pricing.

I lived close by the TD in Naperville IL.  They just have a very small
store, buy you can get anything in the warehouse at the will-call
window.  Be aware of what you buy there.  A lot of the stuff in the
store is refurb.  They do not try to hide that it is refurb, they they
also do not make it obvious.

Their return policy is sucks, but there prices are usually very good.

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