[ale] Firefox-3.6.3 and Java

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Sun May 30 09:30:50 EDT 2010

ALErs -

I recently updated my SuSE-10.1 laptop and found the new Firefox update 
had lost Java. At that point I went ahead and updated to Firefox-3.6.3 
figuring I might as well start higher on tree. I similarly updated my Java 
to jre1.6.0_20. Unfortuately I can't enable a plugin with this 

I soft-linked the jre plugin to the 'plugins' directory of my -3.6.3, but 
it is never detected nor used. I tried clearing the cache in 
Prefrences>Advanced panel, links in ~/.mozilla/plugins and 
~/.mozilla/firefox/plugins, and browser restarts, all without success.

Any ideas how to crack this nut?

  - Mills

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