[ale] ALE Central: May Presentation Slides // Presentation Requests for June 17th & July

Aaron Ruscetta arxaaron at gmail.com
Wed May 26 12:24:20 EDT 2010

Just a reminder that presentation slides from our May ALE Central
meeting, "Seat Belts and Air Bags for Bash" are available at Michael
Potter's business site as the top link on his downloads page:


I think those who were able to attend got to enjoy a top notch talk with
lots of useful information, but that's just my view. To express your own
opinion, Micheal has this presentation registered with SpeakerRate
and would welcome our feedback and evaluations:


A final note that the speaker slots for our June 17th and July 15th
meetings are currently open if you or someone you know wants to
offer an appropriate presentation.  Just email me or call:


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