[ale] Help with mail forwarding

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Mon Jan 11 17:13:29 EST 2010

On Monday 11 January 2010, Jim Lynch wrote:
> I maintain a web site for an organization I belong to and for some
> reason the "forwarders" section of the cpanel doesn't work very well.
>  I have two email addresses at that site that forward just fine,
> however when I went to add a third it won't stick.  It keeps
> disappearing.  

Just curious, but which version of cPanel? 

> So I want to use fetchmail or getmail and bring the mail 
> down to a user on a system I control and forward it from there.  I can
> get the mail using one of those utilities fine, but I'm looking for a
> simple way to do the forwarding such that I don't lose the reply to
> field and/or the originator field.  I've toyed with a perl script to
> reconstruct the message piped via procmail but I thought I'd see if
> there was a better way (better === simpler).

KMail has a Redirect that preserves all headers. (It does add a few...) I 
have a several filters watching our main address for mail intended for my 
wife. With Redirect they show up on her machine as if from the original 

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