[ale] Anyone here who is good with kernel programming?

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Sat Feb 13 00:46:26 EST 2010

On 02/12/2010 11:58 PM, Brian Pitts wrote:
> I don't object to this feature on any principle. Quite the opposite, I
> think it would be neat and handy. I'm just uncertain why you think
> writing from tar directly to the dvd device is the only feasible way for
> your client to make backups. It's probably none of my business, since
> this is a technical list and this isn't a technical issue, but I'm
> puzzled why your client would prefer that you hack on the kernel rather
> than just set up existing software to get the job done.

Actually, my client would prefer to just be told how to run the backup 
and have it work every time.

I prefer not to support kludgey things if I can help it.  Hence why I am 
trying to figure out how to do this in some neat and easily-supportable 
fashion.  I don't want to build anything that would make me think of 
Rube Goldberg---at least, not for a long term solution.  :-P

If I have to make something kludgey that I have to support for a little 
while, I will do that.  However, I would like to replace it later with 
something more proper.  I would be implementing it because I want to, 
not necessarily because the client wants it.  It would ultimately be to 
reduce the crud that I have running on the client's system and to 
scratch an itch that I haven't reached in a few years.

	--- Mike

Michael B. Trausch                    Blog: http://mike.trausch.us/blog/
Tel: (404) 592-5746 x1                            Email: mike at trausch.us

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