[ale] marietta meetings?

Damon L. Chesser damon at damtek.com
Fri Feb 12 12:46:29 EST 2010

On Fri, 2010-02-12 at 12:35 -0500, Jan Gannon wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> I would love to meet up or attend a NW side ALE group meeting. I'm new
> to ALE and have not had the ability to break out on a Thursday evening
> to attend. Possibly could be done on a Tuesday of the month?
> Thank you,
> Jan Gannon
> jan at aditservices.com
> http://www.aditservices.com
> 678-971-9699
At this point, it is all open.  I would not want to do a Thurs. event as
that might possibly interfere with Central ALE.  I also have not
received ALE permission/membership/blessing or even firmed up the
meeting rooms availability.

Six months ago, I talked with a sales guy about using his companies
conference facilities (which are mulit-media outfited).  Yesterday I
went to a RHEL sponsored market event as a guest of Abacus Services and
the sales guy said I could use his facilities.  Today, he confirmed this
in an email to me.  Before I get into details with him, I am looking at
intrest levels here and suggestions.

damon at damtek.com

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