[ale] Fedora or Centos - which is more relevant for someone wanting Red Hat experience today?

Matt Rideout mrideout at windserve.com
Sat Feb 6 10:58:00 EST 2010

I agree with the advice that others have given about using CentOS. Do 
you know when you're going to be training? I'm not sure how quickly Red 
Hat updates their labs after a new release, but keep in mind that RHEL 6 
is likely being released sometime this year. If you certify when RHEL 5 
is the latest release, then your cert's valid until RHEL7 comes out. 
Certify with RHEL 6, and you're good until RHEL 8.

I haven't heard anything definitive on when exactly RHEL 6 is coming out 
(first half of the year?), but if the training is a way's off, it 
probably wouldn't be a bad idea to give yourself at least some Fedora 

brian.schenken at gmail.com wrote:
> Hiya folks,
> My work may be sending my team out for Red Hat certs this year, so 
> I've decided I'll get a head start by playing around with the closest 
> (free) distribution I can. (Ubuntu cured me of distro-hopping a few 
> years back so my experience is a bit out dated.)
> I'm looking for something that will install, be updated and 
> maintained, and host applications/services in the most redhatty 
> fashion possible...
> If any of you work with Red Hat professionally and/or have recent 
> experience with these distros - would you offer me your opinion?
> Thanks muchly, and have an awesome weekend!
> Brian
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