[ale] Android Tablets

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Mon Aug 9 19:12:33 EDT 2010

On Mon, 9 Aug 2010, James Sumners wrote:
> I think it's pretty good for a first generation device.

That's my issue, the "next generation" keeps looking a little more 
polished. Still.. I haven't missed one (a tablet) yet.

I just installed 'qtirreco' on my n900 and am using it as a TV remote.
The distance is just enough to reach the couch. It means my "phone"
has replaced yet another gadget.  I read things from it every once in a 
while, but I'm finding I like real books for a strange reason: When I am 
done with one I can pass it to a friend.

What I really want is the displays described in "the Diamond Age"
which fold/scroll out and can be very large and yet portable.

Running Linux of course. Which is something that should be right around 
the corner is a solid Linux/Meego/Maemo tablet as well as an Ubuntu 
flavored one.

I wouldn't mind having a tablet tuned up for in-car use, a combination
GPS/Navigation and Music/Media player. But still.. just not a big priority 
right now and our TomTom does that fairly well already.

So what I really want to know is, for those of you carrying an iPad like
a fashion accessory, is what killer application would you miss
and make you immediately go out and buy another one for if your current 
tablet was borken/stolen taht your phone is not already doing.

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