[ale] Netflix, etc. on Linux

Chuck Payne terrorpup at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 14:47:08 EDT 2009

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 12:04 PM, William Witt <william at witt-family.net> wrote:
> I've been looking for a solution for this too, moonlight does not contain the
> DRM components necessary to play netflix movies.  My current solution is just
> to ad them to my instant queue on my linux box and play them on my XBox360
> (gold xbox live  membership required).  But it also works in a VM.
> Will
> On Thursday 01 October 2009 08:16:29 Scott McBrien wrote:
>> Netflix uses a Microsost technology called Silverlight.  Apparently
>> Novell has created a browser plugin to work on Linux called Moonlight
>> or Silvermoon or some such.  So it's out there somewhere.  You could
>> also run ie under wine and access the plugin from there, though I'm
>> guessing that's not what you want to do.
>> My guess would be that Roku uses wine or something similar to get the
>> Netflix stuff to work.
>> Scott
>> On Oct 1, 2009, at 1:53 AM, Omar Chanouha <ofosho at gatech.edu> wrote:
>> > I am hoping someone can shed some light on something for me.
>> >
>> > If the Roku runs linux, and the Roku plays netflix movies, then why
>> > can't any linux distro play netflix movies? I am assuming that the
>> > content is DRM via some method, and they do not want to release the
>> > code to unDRM it because that would defeat the purpose of the DRM.
>> > However, it seems to me that the binary can be included with a linux
>> > distro(roku linux) without the code being open source. If I am right,
>> > then why don't they release the binary? Also, by MSFT not releasing
>> > the binary (or some way for other OSs) to play these movies, is that
>> > not an anti-competitive business practice?
>> >
>> > The thing I really don't get, is why bother? I can torrent any movie I
>> > want in hour, but I would rather pay $20 a month for the convenience
>> > of VOD. Anyway, until it runs on linux, i won't touch it. I have made
>> > bigger sacrifices than movies for my software freedom, and I don't
>> > plan on budging for this nonsense.
>> >
>> > Sorry for sounding so green, this law stuff makes no sense to me,
>> >
>> > -O
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What about wine and install the silverlight plugin? Has anyone tried this?

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