[ale] GPG Key Party Followup

Jeremy T. Bouse jeremy.bouse at undergrid.net
Tue Nov 24 14:46:23 EST 2009

aaron wrote:
> Thanks to all the participants at the ALE
> GPG Key Signing Party!  Don't forget to hit
> the <http://keyserver.ubuntu.com> site soon
> (aka this weekend) and sign the keys on your
> lists.

	So as a follow-up I went and grabbed the keyring for the key signing
party from this months meeting. I removed the one key that was said not
to sign and added the key of the late arrival, then updated the keys
from the keyserver network. I ran this updated keyring through some key
analysis and generated the graphic [1] showing the signatures between
keys as well as the statistics [2] of how many signatures each key has
made within the group.

	From the analysis Katherine's key right now is the most connected with
an MSD of 0.9286, the least connected being my Debian key with an MSD of
1.7857. It appears not everyone has received their keys signed by me and
uploaded them back to the keyserver. I'll go ahead update the keyring
again down the road to update it but thought I'd share what was in there
now just a week later.

[1] http://undergrid.net/wot/ale-ksp09.png
[2] http://undergrid.net/wot/stats.html

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