[ale] Fwd: periodic fsck was Re: [patch] ext2/3: documentconditions when reliable operation is possible

Michael B. Trausch mbt at zest.trausch.us
Tue Nov 10 15:23:26 EST 2009

On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 13:57 -0500, Jeff Lightner wrote:
> Apparently it is something new.  I'd just run across the option this
> weekend while researching bizarre I/O issue and it worked on my
> RHEL5.3 system.

Ahh, alright.  Perhaps I should file a bug in Upstart to ask that their
shutdown get that feature.  Does RHEL use sysvinit, or some init
replacement?  I'd like to see how they implemented it, perhaps I could
even just patch Upstart if they haven't done something like that in the
version that will be going into Karmic+1.

	--- Mike

Blog:  http://mike.trausch.us/blog/
Misc. Software:  http://mike.trausch.us/software/

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