[ale] Pulling IP address from server.

Brandon Checketts brandon at brandonchecketts.com
Mon Jul 27 12:29:08 EDT 2009

Atlanta Geek wrote:
> What is the best way to identify the server's IP address from
> ruby/perl/python/C.
> I found a chunk of code parsing the results of ifconfig and I'm always
> concerned when I see this type of thing.
> Also does changing the default language of a server affect the output
> of these commands at all.

Seems like it should be contained somewhere in /proc, but I'm unable to
locate it there in a reliable way.  I can see it in reverse hex in some
of the tables, but not in anything that authoritatively lists the IP
addresses on a machine.

I looked through the output of 'strace ifconifg'  to see where ifconfig
is getting it from, and it looks like it may come from
/proc/net/if_inet6 or /proc/net/dev  or possibly /proc/net/unix.

Brandon Checketts

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