[ale] OT - Anyone know where I can get a record transfered to a CD locally?

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Sat Feb 21 08:21:26 EST 2009

Jim Lynch wrote:
> I don't have a working turntable any longer.  Not interested in buying 
> one if I don't have to.
> Thanks,
> Jim.
This was a request for a friend on a cruising sailboat.  After I got to 
thinking about it, I have quite a few albums I'd like to get copies of, 
so I think I will purchase a turntable after all.  Sorry for 
unintentionally starting a war. 

For the record, I liked disco.  And some country sucks big time.  IMHO 
country singing should be outlawed.  Anyone that has to yowl like a cat 
should be stuck in a kennel.  Most country instrumentals, like bluegrass 
and old time is enjoyable.

Opera hurts my ears, rap  mostly makes no sense and is often mildly 
irritating.   All other forms of music are acceptable, especially folk, 
American, Irish, Scottish, German, etc.

So there.  But I did like Johnny Cash. ;-)


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