[ale] OT: Maglev funding?

Greg Freemyer greg.freemyer at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 09:54:02 EST 2009

Back to the original funding question, I found this quote:

One earmark added to the bill at the last minute includes $8 billion
for high-speed rail projects, including funds for a "MagLev" (magnetic
levitation) train that will connect Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The
funds for high-speed rail in this bill could construct 32 "Bridges to
Nohwere," Coburn said.

So it appears the $8B is for multiple projects, not just the LA-LV
line as I thought the news was reporting.

As one of the few serious HSGT projects in the nation, I assume the
ATL-CHA line will get enough of those funds to keep moving forward.
>From what has been said here, the best bet would be a maglev monorail.

I think it would be cool if went from Hartsfield to 5 Points (or
Peachtree Center) and then straight up I-75.  That was one of the
proposed routes in the powerpoint.


On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Greg Freemyer <greg.freemyer at gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> Anyone know if the spending bill included funds for the Atlanta -
> Chattanooga HSGT line (High Speed Ground Transportation)?
> == Background
> If you don't know there is an ongoing HSGT (Maglev or Steel Rail)
> project that may eventually go from:
> Savannah - Atlanta - Chattanooga - Nashville - Chicago
> The Atlanta - Chattanooga section is the furthest along and about to
> enter "Tier 2" status I think (but I think Tier 2 activity is
> currently unfunded):
> http://www.dot.state.ga.us/aboutGeorgiadot/Board/Documents/2009%20Meetings%20Presentations/Jan/HighSpeedGroundTransportation.pdf
> If you go to page 10, you see it is one of 3 east of the Mississippi
> projects (LA - Vegas is the big west of the Mississippi project).
> I'm hoping this project will get a big boost from the spending bill.
> Greg
> --
> Greg Freemyer
> Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/gregfreemyer
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Greg Freemyer
Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
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The Norcross Group
The Intersection of Evidence & Technology

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