[ale] OT - Anyone know where I can get a record transfered to aCD locally?

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Mon Feb 16 13:02:11 EST 2009

On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 12:43:17 -0500
"James Taylor" <James.Taylor at eastcobbgroup.com> wrote:

> I knew this was going to turn into a religious argument.....

Nah.  Just a few people's two cents.  :)

Honestly, though, I can tolerate pretty much anything that isn't so
masked that its meaning is lost.  I can stand censored music less than
just about anything else, but that's just me.  It presses a button of
mine, to hear a song that is actually not horrible and yet a word in
every other sentence is (deleted).

	--- Mike

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