[ale] Disappointed in the recent climate research hack

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 16:25:44 EST 2009

Once LHC finds the god particle using Linux systems to run things, we'll get
the god particle to come do a smack down on the infidels

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:27 PM, JK <jknapka at kneuro.net> wrote:

> Doug McNash wrote:
> > You're wasting your time attempting to address the issue with a logical
> argument.
> >
> > In the big picture, AGW is a religious belief.

religion can't be tested as it is not based on observable data or repeatable
testing. While I enjoyed a laugh at the "Bill is the one true satan" blurb,
the article linked is a diatribe that tries to fit a scientific endeavor
into the robes of religion. It seems to be written by yet another scientific
disbeliever who would probable have supported Cobb county in their
"Evolution is just a theory" process.

religion can never withstand logic as it is by definition illogical. Since
religion is based on faith and faith requires the holding of a belief when
there is no or even contrary evidence to support it, religion is the
antithesis of science. Science has people who believe in the correctness of
a theory but that requires evidence to support the correctness of the
theory. Belief in a theory is very different from faith in a concept.

As far as climate change goes, I would certainly rather error on the side of
caution and try to make changes in how humans rape the planet for profits in
order to leave behind to the next generations something less of the mess I
have inherited. Since economics is in the same mental process as
"Intellectual Property" , i.e. if you can't sell it and then no longer have,
it ain't real, I don't care a dingdong about what forcing the polluters to
clean up their act will cost. I say we tax the churches to fund public
schools and science programs in particular. We have a lottery as a tax on
people who can't do math. Maybe a tax on people who can't do science in a
good idea. While we're at it, let's add a $5/ticket surcharge to all
pro-sporting events to fund education in the area. And maybe we should
investigate religion as an outright fraud for promising "salvation" and have
absolutely zero evidence that they actually can deliver the goods.

I'm not intolerant. I'm just sick of religion thinking it's a science when
it's just a set of rules used to control peoples lives and get them pay for
the privelige of having someone else do their thinking for them. I really
can't understand how someone can be both a scientist and a "person of
faith". It seems very oxymoronic to me.

> > see
> >
> >         http://www.numberwatch.co.uk/religion.htm
> >
> > for a more literate exposition than I could possibly write.
> Very literate, but notably free of any citation of actual evidence.
> (Especially since the domain name contains "numberwatch".)
> Anyway, it seems clear that global average temperatures are increasing,
> and that there are likely to be serious consequences from this:
>   http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/
> Whether the warming is anthropogenic seems completely irrelevant.  A
> better question would be, "Is anthropogenic climate STABILIZATION
> feasible?"
> -- JK (not looking forward to a flood of Atlantan refugees to my nice
>  empty desert)
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James P. Kinney III
Actively in pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness
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