[ale] GP2X

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Mon Aug 24 03:25:54 EDT 2009

On Mon, 24 Aug 2009, Richard Bronosky wrote:

> Wow! I wonder if I can convince my wife that our 2 year old would
> benefit from one of these. Hmmm?

On a couple of lists.. I'm seeing a trend "if I can convince my wife..."
or "if she'll let me".

I'm tired of it. It is sickening. Man up. Stop believing television/media
created stereotypes of relationships and excuses: Unless you're an 
unemployed house husband and she's "bringing home the bacon", or if you 
truly are that "sub" in all aspects of your relationship.

I know times are tough for some, and I've lived cheap.. real cheap,
especially while raising kids, starting businesses, etc..

How about "excuses" like:

   "Gotta clean the pocket change out of the couch and see if I can afford it"


   "maybe next payday"

or heck, just an honest: "I'm broke right now  but I'd really like to have... "

Want rationlizations: Think about how much money you save on virus 
protection, MS Licenses, software..

----------------Go ahead rant back.. I'm in S. America installing Linux 
systems, Bandwidth and connectivity sucks and it'll take me a while to 

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