[ale] OT: humor - XKCD

adam prozaconstilts at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 23:38:04 EDT 2009

john anderson wrote:
> Or, how about this recent one:
> http://xkcd.com/619/

I have issue with this particular strip.

Didn't Randall Munroe get it wrong? Why is this lack of working flash 
video Linux's fault? Is this not the vendor's fault?

One could even claim he's referring to bad drivers, but is this Linux's 
fault? Isn't it the fault of poorly written drivers, failure to properly 
support the platform, and lack of vendor interest?

In terms of what Linux does well, and where it gets used most, I can see 
the need to support a bajillion CPUs before supporting good flash. When 
I need a thousand-node cluster to churn over protein strands, you better 
believe I want an OS that can use all of my resources.


In general, xkcd makes me lol on a regular basis.


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