[ale] OBS howto for your first project

Greg Freemyer greg.freemyer at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 09:39:15 EDT 2009

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Michael B. Trausch <mbt at zest.trausch.us> wrote:
> Yeah... I _really_ wanted to see that presentation, too.  I haven't
> really had the time to check out OBS since I took on AllTray.  I've
> been using Ubuntu's PPA system for some other things, and plan to wind
> up distributing AllTray releases for Debian/Ubuntu that way when I get
> to the point of releasing a new stable, but it would be kind of nice to
> get something up there for more distribution coverage.
> I think that distributions have more-or-less lost interest in AllTray
> since it went maintainerless for so long.
>        --- Mike


I assume AllTray has a open source license.  If so, you're good to go.

One key to the OBS is accepting it is sort of slow.  Thus trial and
error can take a while.  I recommend spending a15-30 minutes a day on
it until you have success.  That gives the back-end servers plenty of
time to go off and do what you told them.

If you're going to do a debian/ubuntu package, then you need
everything in my open2300 package except open2300.spec.

spec files are used to create rpms, so you can ignore that (for now?).

See https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=open2300&project=home%3Agregfreemyer

My test sub-project is "home:gregfreemyer:DO_NOT_USE".  Notice the : separators.

The url to it is

So a project holds packages.  Everything in a single project gets
compiled for the same distributions / architectures.

To get started:

1) Register and get a login

2) after login on the left hand side click "home project"

3) within your home project create a sub-project and call it something
like - "test - do not use".  ie. By default everything on OBS is
published, so name your sub-project something that will scare people
away.  Once you have it working, you can get AllTray into a nicer

4) Make sure you're in your sub-project.  The name should appear
towards the top of the window.

5) Add "one" repository.  In this sense a repository is a
distribution.  You want to work with just one until you have it

6) Within your sub-project create a package called AllTray

7) add an equivalent file to the AllTray package for each file in
open2300 except the spec file.  Upload the rules file last.  I think
its presence will automatically kick off a deb build.

Note: Your code / makefile has to be in a single tar.gz.   I don't
think anything else works universally for debian builds.

8) Wait a while.  Then hopefully you will see a build status of either
successful, or failed.  If failed look at the end of the build log and
try to figure out what is wrong with your control files. Or even your
base tar.gz file with the source and makefile in it.

As long as the questions are easy, you can ask me here.  Just put OBS
in the start of the subject.  If they get hard you will need to join
the obs mailing list.


Greg Freemyer
Head of EDD Tape Extraction and Processing team
Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
First 99 Days Litigation White Paper -

The Norcross Group
The Intersection of Evidence & Technology

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