[ale] Anyone looking for a new gig?

Jim Popovitch yahoo at jimpop.com
Tue Sep 30 22:38:46 EDT 2008

2008/9/30 Michael B. Trausch <mike at trausch.us>:
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 12:06:00PM -0400, ALElistRIG at lanta.com wrote:
>> Hi Everybody,
> Thanks, but no.  You can't even send an email properly.
>  * Charset should be UTF-8, not the depreciated ISO-8859-1.
>  * Your mail contained mostly ASCII characters, and yet you used base64
>  encoding.  WTF?  A waste of bandwidth.  Use QP encoding, which is easy
>  for anyone to read, with or without a mailreader that supports MIME.
>  It also saves bandwidth.  See the MIME RFCs and submit a bug report to
>  your email client vendor.
> In the meantime, go find something that works.

Wow.  Quite harsh.   Did you even bother to look to see what this
gentleman's email application is?  Not everybody has total control (or
care for total control) over their email tool, some people just prefer
to use something that works and works well.   For the record:  GMail
had zero problems correctly displaying Ryan's email, it look nice,
neat, well formatted and quite informative.

-Jim P.

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