[ale] OpenVPN Question

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Thu Oct 9 08:17:56 EDT 2008

Here is a question for all the OpenVPN users out there.

I want to give users running Winders access to a complex network remotely.
This network has multiple VPNs that connect to routers at remote sites 
and these routers use IP Masquerading to allow the main site access to 
devices at the remote without complex routing on the remote.  The way we 
accomplish this is with static host based routes.  One such installation 
could have 30 VPNs to 30 remote sites and on the VPN server could have 
40 host base entries in the kernel's routing

The rule is that if the dealer wants to access a piece of equipment at
a remote network over these VPNs that tech needs to be sitting on a PC
at their office or VPN into their office.  Some of our larger customers have
dedicated VPN gear and this is not a problem.  Our smaller customers do

The idea is that I can install OpenVPN on the VPN server and allow 
techs access via OpenVPN to this "network".  The problem is that I need to
feed those static routes to the Windows PC so it will know how to access
these remote sites.  A simple solution is to write a batch script and
have a link on the users desktop.  The bring up the VPN and then click the
link.  Another solution is to have OpenVPN assign those routes on the
Windows PC the minute the VPN comes up.  Is that possible?

Chris Fowler
OutPost Sentinel, LLC
Support @ SIP/support at pbx.opsdc.com
 or 678-804-8193
Email Support @ support at outpostsentinel.com

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