[ale] recommendations for a..... standalone Linux security firewall...

Courtney Thomas courtneycthomas at bellsouth.net
Fri Nov 14 01:49:55 EST 2008

Greetings !

I want to use a standalone Linux box, possibly running from a CD and through
which all must pass, at least from the internet, that will be a firewall for
my home LAN. But if running from a CD gains nothing, forget it. I have
several older idle boxes if they'd suffice. I can also go wired or wireless,
and am receptive to any setup.

What recommendation(s) do you have for such a box, please ?

I'd like it to be simple, if possible, as I doubt the KGB (or whatever they
call themselves now) are going to put a lot into seeing what I'm up to.

I don't so much need 'secure communications' as I've now given up
moonlighting for the KGB, but simply want to keep internet intruders off my
home LAN.

But if actually it's not significantly more difficult to set this up to be a
'real handful' than to just minimally put something in the way......then of
course I'd be pleased to lock out the U.S. government which has damaged and
further threatens our future well being way more than the Russians ever
dreamed of accomplishing   :-)   Sorry, but I can't remember the
Communications Act that has been inflicted on U.S. citizens creating an
opaque, furtive, and uncontrolled power to surveil you. The only thing I
want to hide from government is my freedom and privacy.

Once more, appreciatively,


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