[ale] curious spam

Jim Philips philips_jim at bellsouth.net
Tue May 13 17:42:33 EDT 2008

On Tuesday 13 May 2008 08:38:13 am Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> Geoffrey wrote:
> > I find this terribly disturbing, as it suggests to me that AT&T is
> > somehow publishing these email addresses somewhere.
> No, it's actually much simpler than that, as Jim K. suggested.  Create
> any e-mail user account on a well-known domain and it'll get spam just
> by virtue of having the account name be made of...ASCII characters.
> What should disturb you is the sheer volume of spam that is implied.

I have had my current BellSouth address for a year at least. I never use it 
for anything but mailing lists like this. I don't think I have received a 
single spam e-mail at this address.

Having said that, I'm frantically looking for some real wood to knock. ;-)

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