[ale] Bash scripting q

JK jknapka at kneuro.net
Thu May 8 21:17:01 EDT 2008

J. D. wrote:
> On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 6:42 PM, JK <jknapka at kneuro.net 
> <mailto:jknapka at kneuro.net>> wrote:
>     J. D. wrote:
>     > Is the desired effect for it to expand to /home/callinguser/user?
>     No, the desired effect is for it to expand to the home
>     directory of the user name supplied to the script as
>     arg $1.  So if I say:
> Oh OK that makes sense. If root is running the script though, isn't 
> the tilde
> most always going to return the home directory of the calling user root?

"~user" should expand to "user"'s home dir. A bare ~ expands to the
current user's home.
> Using sudo to get the home directory of the target user might be an 
> option.
> USERHOME=`sudo -u joe pwd`

I'm actually just using the "eval" solution in my original post. But
it's nice (for some value of "nice") to know that TMTOWTDI.

-- JK

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