[ale] Bash script help

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Wed Mar 12 10:13:08 EDT 2008

James Sumners wrote:
> That isn't what this list is about. The name of the list isn't
> "Atlanta Linux Consultants for Hire", it's "Atlanta Linux
> Enthusiasts". The original poster is clearly asking for assistance,
> not someone to do the work for him. If you don't want to provide that
> assistance, fine.
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 7:13 AM, Dylan Northrup <docx at io.com> wrote:
>>  Happy to help.  My consulting rates for bash scripts are $60/hour (1 hour
>>  minimum).  Contact me off-list.
OK however it also isn't "Atlanta Linux Homework Helpline". 

My initial response suggested it was homework, because the instructions 
were explicit enough to have been written by someone who knows bash 
programming.  It follows that they were most likely not written by the 
person asking for help or they'd have known how to program it. 

That was a quick first take however.  Add to that the desire to do it in 
bash and it sounds like instructions from another.

Just an observation.  If I'm wrong, I apologize.


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