[ale] Interest in supporting a Linux PoS system: Viewtouch

Daniel Howard dhhoward at comcast.net
Tue Mar 11 11:51:36 EDT 2008

I posted a note a while back about a restaurant owner friend of mine who 
was interested in Linux based PoS systems.  I found one that looks 
pretty complete:


and I just mailed their sales staff to see if they had an Atlanta 
consultant who could support the system locally.  Haven't heard back 
yet, but in case they don't have an Atlanta Linux consultant to do 
installs and support, I thought I'd toss it out to the group.  Cost 
looks to be a fraction of the Squirrel system my friend is now using 
that seems fraught with viruses (he also has a WiFi hotspot off of his 
network...).  With all the restaurants coming and going here in 
Buckhead, seems like it could be a decent business opportunity.


Daniel Howard
President and CEO
Georgia Open Source Education Foundation

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