[ale] One file, two LANs

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Mon Feb 25 05:53:38 EST 2008

On Sunday 24 February 2008, Brian Pitts wrote:
> William Bagwell wrote:
> > Having the only Linux box at my work:) It seems to my simple mind that; A
> > second NIC, a cheep simple LAN, (Or possibly just a direct connection)
> > and a separate partion for the single shared document to live in. Then
> > make sure nothing like Samba server is installed.
> I'm not sure I understand what your situation is. Are you saying that
> there are two LANs at your workplace that traffic is not routed between
> and you want to know how to connect your box to both LANs and set up
> some file sharing system (eg nfs, samba, webdav) to serve requests from
> both LANs?

Second LAN does not exist yet.

> Or are you asking if you need to set up a second LAN dedicated to
> transporting this file? I couldn't see why, so perhaps you could explain
> more. Also, I doubt that you really need a separate partition for
> storing the file, although it's not necessarily a bad idea.

Yes, and it can *not* be allowed to see anything on the first LAN, or access 
the Internet. Separate partition is a no-brainer for me since the box already 
has two drives. 

Would it be more secure if the file server lived on the first client on the 
new LAN, rather than the box hosting the document? 

This would be a good argumet that it too needs to run Linux:)

> Regardless, I think Mike's suggestions or subversion are a better fit
> with the problem as you've expressed it.

Thanks, and off to reread his post. (Yours showed up late.)

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