[ale] Smoothwall, a dedicated Linux firewall, installation......

Courtney Thomas courtneycthomas at bellsouth.net
Wed Dec 17 23:28:27 EST 2008

I'm trying to install Smoothwall, a dedicated Linux firewall OS, on an old
machine that had a couple of network cards [ISA & PCI] which were found by
Smoothwall and seem to be functional though both apparently use IRQ 10.

I don't know how to set up the hardware to accomplish the following:

I'm currently using a wireless router so non-linux users can get on the web,
though I also have an ethernet hub I'd  like to integrate into an overall
network without buying wireless adapters for all the unices, as they were
all ethernet enabled when dialup was used and probably don't support
wireless anyway.

I'd like to be able to use any sort of machine, Apple, Windows, FreeBSD,

Can I interconnect the wireless router and ethernet hub so that all the.....
previously mentioned non-windows machines without wireless adapters..... can
also access the web ? If yes, HOW  :-)

Are there various ways to accomplish this  ?  If yes, what's the simplest
and what advantage is there to the other(s) ?

Finally, when I get through, how should I set up Smoothwall ?  Please
include as much detail as you're willing.



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