[ale] locale settings

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Fri Aug 29 12:33:58 EDT 2008

On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 06:22 -0400, Paul Cartwright wrote:
>  ok, I just found this setting in Icedove ( thunderbird).
> under Preferences-Composition.
> Language:
> my choices are -
> 1. English/United States
> 2. en_US

Not familiar with Thunderbird anymore---it had too many problems with it
for me to be able to use it, and to my knowledge, none of them have ever
been fixed.

Is there a separate character encoding setting, or does it follow the
system's settings?  One way to check to be sure is to run the program
from within a terminal where "locale" shows the settings you want.  If
it isn't honoring your system's settings, that's a bug in the software.

	--- Mike

My sigfile ran away and is on hiatus.
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