[ale] Interesting downtime chart

Scott Denlinger scott at scottdenlinger.com
Wed Aug 20 21:18:46 EDT 2008

Very interesting, but the most interesting part is the author. I thought her
name looked familiar, then I remembered that Laura DiDio was a particularly
vocal, if clueless, supporter of SCO during its recent legal bullying of Linux
users. A Wikipedia search on her will give you the details.

The chart itself bears the hallmarks of her sloppy journalism:

"OpenSource Linux (e.g. Debian)"  What, and the other distros aren't?

Ubuntu perhaps deserves its own listing, but she doesn't {know || bother to
mention} that it's based on Debian 

And ironically, she mentions several "flavors" of Unix, but not SCO?!

I don't have time to do more digging on this, but wasn't the Yankee Group a
supporter of SCO somehow during the lawsuits?

As it is, this chart tells us nothing we wouldn't already have suspected, and
without a methodology to analyze it, it's worthless as tool for planning policy

Scott Denlinger

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 06:49:42PM -0400, Greg Freemyer wrote:
> All,
> Just saw:  http://www.iaps.com/exc/yankee-group-2007-2008-server-reliability.pdf
> Shorter lines are better.  Apparently Microsoft got it backwards,
> theirs grew in 2007 from 2006.
> And , as expected they have the most annual downtime of the OS'es surveyed.
> Greg
[. . .]

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