[ale] Unhalfbricking WRT54GL

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Mon Aug 18 11:43:50 EDT 2008

Charles Shapiro wrote:
> Moral of the story: Make sure you're transferring binary files in 
> binary mode (d'OH!).

Not sure about that.

IMO, the ability to transfer anything to be used as a kernel is a bad 
idea.  On our devices we have what we call a "package" format.  Roughly, 
this format includes a kernel, initrd, and software needed to run the 
system.  These are put in file together and checksummed.  Upon 
inspection if the checksum of each individual component is not correct, 
the flash never happens.

Now this requires a little extra space.  The package is placed in a 
tmpfs mount and checked there before writing to the flash.   I assume 
that smaller embedded devices do not have the luxury of placing stuff 
somewhere before they commit them to flash.  As you see, you can brick 
something because of it blindly flashing whatever you give it!

Chris Fowler
OutPost Sentinel, LLC
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 or 678-804-8193
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