[ale] Re: Script to send email with attachments

Thompson Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Tue Sep 25 13:32:03 EDT 2007

So many came forward and assisted with this project that I  
want to say thanks to all for the help. I wish I could  
report that everything went well but...

Well, in a way we can claim that things went well as I  
found that I have a significant bug(s) in my setup here at  
home. I wound up sending things out by hand because neither  
the mutt nor mailx approaches worked out. Mutt declines to  
send _any_ mail, period, whether by script or normal usage.  
I've got some research and configuration work to do there.  
The installed copy of mailx on my system is apparently  
either too old, or has been configured to not work with  
mime attachments. Again, repairable but not necessarily  

I think it is really time to reinstall this system with a  
currently supported distribution. And I now have two more  
test cases in my notes to find out if I have done the  
setup/configuration correctly.

Again, thank you one and all for your help.

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