[ale] OO 2.3

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Wed Sep 19 11:14:25 EDT 2007

On Wed 2007-09-19 10:20:36 -0400, Paul Cartwright wrote:

> I downloaded the openoffice 2.3.0 and unpacked it to a folder.
> So now I have a whole bunch of .deb files.
> it won't install because 2.2 is already installed. 2.2 is a whole bunch of 
> packages, is there an easy way to replace the entire 2.2 with 2.3 ??
> I'm not real good with dpkg and the MAN pages.. well, you know:)

What have you tried specifically so far?  What distribution are you
running? What specific OO.o 2.3.0 package did you download?  Without
these details, it's difficult to make suggestions that will be useful.

Not knowing any of the above (and not knowing if you got the right
package for you distribution/version), i'll hazard a suggestion which
might well break things (i should know better than to do this,
but...).  You'll need to have superuser privileges to do this:

## start logging the console so you'll have a transcript:
 script openoffice.org-2.3-install.transcript
## first, try to install all the debs together, as a set:
 dpkg --install /path/to/your/unpacked/files/*.deb
## then ask aptitude to clean up any mess you've made:
 aptitude -f install
## end the transcript

now you'll have a recording of the entire attempt in
openoffice.org-2.3-install.transcript.  If things have gone
drastically wrong and you can't figure out how to fix them, you can
provide this transcript to people who are willing to help so that they
know what happened.


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