[ale] RHEL 5 is out

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 18:14:32 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-03-15 at 17:48 -0400, James P. Kinney III wrote:

> <soapbox> I want to see M$ crushed into nothingness. I don't care half
> a
> rats whisker about interoperability. The more Linux stuff kicks Bill
> in
> the balls, the happier I get. It is only through years of illegal
> activity, dirty tactics and outright lies that Microsoft has managed
> to
> stay afloat. I get nauseous every time I think about the under table
> slime that got Novell to "partner" with the dark side. Using Xen to
> provide a stable platform to run busted-a$$ Microsoft code is the only
> way they can come up with for keeping their miserable company from
> imploding under the crushing freedom of Open Source, no draconian
> license crap, enjoy your multimedia happy fun software like
> Linux.<soapbox>
> All windows problems are solved by the appropriate use of fdisk. 

I can honestly say that I agree.  As I am more-or-less required to run
it at the moment for school functions, it reminds me of these tactics.
(I actually was able to get MS Office to install under Wine, and it
works, more or less, but without the equation editor?which is the one
part that I do need.  OOo exports only to MathType, and not Microsoft's
reduced-functionality Equation Editor, and my teacher is too lazy to fix
it when she receives the assignment.  You know what's required to
convert a MathType object to Microsoft's Equation Editor?
Double-clicking it in Word with Equation Editor installed.)

So, I do my homework in OOo running on Linux, move over to Office under
XP, fix the document, go back to Linux, and transmit it. *shrugs*
Inefficient, but it works.

    ? Mike

Michael B. Trausch
                    fd0man at gmail.com
Phone: (404) 592-5746
                          Jabber IM:
                    fd0man at gmail.com
              fd0man at livejournal.com
Demand Freedom!  Use open and free protocols, standards, and software!
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