[ale] OT: Alpharetta Power

Mark Wright mpwright at speedfactory.net
Tue Jul 17 09:45:14 EDT 2007

i think Alpharetta has crapy power service from Ga power.  I have  
customers all over town but the ones in Alpharetta all have power  
problems.  I never get calls after a power storm except from  
Alpharetta customers.  My biggest Alpharetta customer tracks the  
weather closely and they go on their UPS before the storm comes and  
will stay on UPS until it is over.   Sometimes I go over their and  
hear the generator from the parking lot and the weather is not bad.   
When I ask they usually say they were having "issues" and decided to  
get off the grid for a while.

I think they grew too fast in the 80's.


On Jul 17, 2007, at 7:59 AM, Christopher Fowler wrote:

> I'm trying to track a problem but no one seems to want to talk  
> about it
> (Georgia Power).  Since 07/10 I've received 10 trouble tickets from a
> device I have installed at a friend's house off of Windward Parkway.
> The trouble ticket is in regards to power.  It seems that since 07/10
> power has been blinking often in that area.  Just yesterday power was
> off at his house for almost 4 hours.  Other places in Alpha was just
> fine.  I called GA Power and they were supposed to call me back but  
> I've
> heard nothing about why power keeps blinking up there.  For now I've
> shut down much of the equipment.  I'm waiting on a few days of no
> outages.  Anyone one here know something?
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