[ale] another weird problem

Sean Kilpatrick drifter at oppositelock.org
Fri Jul 6 18:42:30 EDT 2007

perms on thumb drives

I have a directory /mnt/foo

drwxr-xr-x  2 kilpatms users  4096 Jul  6 18:28 foo

I mount my thumb drive to that point and the ownership changes:

drwxr-xr-x  4 root     root  16384 Dec 31  1969 foo

and I can't change them back while the drive is mounted, which means
that is, ah, "difficult" to drag and drop files from my desktop
into that directory (open window on the desktop).  Nor can I change
the perms; notice that only root can write to the drive.
And, yes, I have been trying to run chmod and chown as root.

Does anyone have a clue what might be going on here and how to fix it?


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