[ale] VM ? (addendum: without windows licenses?)

Paul Cartwright paul_tbot at pcartwright.com
Tue Feb 27 09:23:07 EST 2007

On Tuesday 27 February 2007 07:25:22 am Byron A Jeff wrote:
> Does anyone have an accurate representation on the usefulness of Wine
> and/or Crossover? In the past I just haven't had enough patience to fiddle
> with either of them in order to see if they actually work with any degree
> of reasonableness. I generally spend my focus working with native Linux
> apps, which I feel is worth the time to fiddle.

I have wine installed, then I installed ie4linux and got IE5 & 6 up and 
running. Also, under win, lots of windows app works. Under crossoveroffice 
MSOffice works. I haven't fooled with lots of wine apps, like you I try to 
stay Linux native, or just reboot to XP mode. 
Like I said, crossover Office only supports Quicken 2004, so they are still 3 
years behind.

I actually installed XP using VirtualBox, got it to reboot, and come up. Now I 
need to figure out networking, and how to install apps..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

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