[ale] Disclaimer notice in sendmail and excluding cell phone addresses

Jeff Lightner jlightner at water.com
Fri Aug 24 12:20:05 EDT 2007

Legal wants us to set up a legal disclaimer (you'll see at the bottom of
this email which came via Outlook/Exchange).

We have a sendmail server that is the relay for a lot of our email for a
separate domain.

I'm wondering if anyone has done and can tell me:

1)	How would I tell sendmail to add such a disclaimer to all email
relayed through it?
2)	Is there a way to tell sendmail to exclude destination addresses
such as cell phone numbers (i.e. text messages originating as email)

I'm assuming pattern such as
"[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]@" would be a good
match for messages such as those described in 2.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail may contain privileged or confidential information and is for the sole use of the 
intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the 
contents of this information is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this electronic transmission in 
error, please reply immediately to the sender that you have received the message in error, and delete it. Thank you.
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