[ale] SMTP fails at Motels ok at Home

jtholmes linux at jtholmes.com
Fri Aug 10 17:25:07 EDT 2007

Thanks to all who replied to my question. Some eye opening results.
I will have to look to using another smtp server or webmail.

Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On Friday 10 August 2007 07:23:11 am Dan Lambert wrote:
>> That is exactly the case. I have BS as my ISP, and once you are outside
>> their service area, they block direct access to the SMTP servers. That
>> block is IP based.
>> I travel extensively for work, and I always have to deal with this
>> issue. I can download my mail with no problem, but have to use webmail
>> or an external (to BS) SMTP server to be able to send mail.
> and that is exactly the reason I was thinking of switching to Speedfactory, so 
> I could send mail when I'm on the road.. that is without a doubt a royal 

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