[ale] Linspire 5.0 Internet Connection

Sean Kilpatrick drifter at oppositelock.org
Thu Nov 30 19:49:56 EST 2006

On Thursday 30 November 2006 18:09, Roger Hammons wrote:
| I thought the ISP 
| always provided DNS service automatically,

Well, yes and no.

Your ISP provides one or more DNS servers. But you have to tell
the OS where they are.

I use KDE and I get there this way:

desktop menu > System Tools > Network Device control (needs root
password) >configure eth0 > DNS tab ... and input the numeric addresses
for your primary and secondary DNS servers.  (If you don't know the
addresses, call your ISP tech support.)

I am sure there is a config file that can be edited, I just don't know
its name so I let the GUI do it for me.


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