[ale] file sharing Linux to XP

Paul Cartwright paul_tbot at pcartwright.com
Mon Jan 30 16:09:30 EST 2006

On Mon January 30 2006 3:40 pm, A LeDonne wrote:
> For occasional file copies, I use scp, since I have ssh running and
> port open on the linux box all the time anyway, and all my Win boxen
> have a selection of ssh clients (cygwin openssh, putty).

does it matter that the laptop is connected to the router via  Wi-FI, 
and the desktop is a wired port?
they are both 192.168.10.XX and I can ping one from the other.

putty timed out, winscp failed. ssh is running.
Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800 

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