[ale] Iptables: Temporarily mounting a windows share

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Mon Jan 16 13:33:49 EST 2006

My cleanest option for offloading backup tarballs from an 
Internet-reachable server involves dropping the tarballs onto a nearby 
Windows server that's already part of the backup rotation.  My iptables 
rules preclude this at the moment.

Instead of modifying my iptables script to allow me to "mount -t 
cifs..." from the server at any time, I'd prefer to have the backup 
script make the minimum necessary iptables rules changes temporarily, 
mount the windows share, write the tarballs to the mount point, unmount 
the windows share, and change the iptables rules back like they were.   
How might I invoke this in my backup script?


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