[ale] NNTPS "tunnelling"?

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 14:22:00 EDT 2006

Quick question:  I use KNode for reading my NNTP.  However, for the school 
that I go do which I interface with by way of newsgroups, they use NNTPS.  
Knode apparently doesn't support NNTPS, and won't until KDE 4.0, from what 
I've seen.

Is there a way for me to "tunnel" this between KNode and the MS servers that 
run the groups, so that I can use KNode?  Or some way to have something 
other program act on my behalf to post new articles and get new articles, 
and for me to host a "clear text" NNTP server on my localhost?

	- Mike
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