[ale] X Font Server (xfs) problem

Michael Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 01:01:40 EDT 2005

On 9/27/05, Roger Hammons <egorra at attglobal.net> wrote:
>  9/27  13:21:40  xfs: xfs startup succeeded
>  9/27  13:21:40  xfs: Fatal font server error:
>  9/27  13:21:40  xfs: Cannot establish any listening sockets

Typically, at least in my experiences, /tmp is used for all sorts of
sockets, and it is okay to dump /tmp between sessions (in fact, I do
it all the time on my machines, a reboot will kill the whole thing,
and a reboot happens once every month.  (This just prevents me from
forgetting things are there; I run 'df' fairly freqently, however, I
tend to put off emptying /tmp, lol, and it can sometimes get quite

However, if you've changed /tmp, you may want to ensure that its
permissions are properly set:

   drwxrwxrwt  11 root root    18 2005-09-28 00:57 tmp/

It is slipping my mind at the moment the details behind it, but I do
seem to recall 1777 as being the proper octal permissions associated
with the permission string there.  I could be wrong on that,
however... it does mean that it's a "sticky" directory, which
(slightly) enhances security.  Many apps out there will silently fail
if they can't create a socket that can only be removed by them.

  - Mike

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