[ale] Seeking ways to getting around spyware on Windows

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Mon Oct 10 11:44:01 EDT 2005

Alan Dobkin wrote:

>On 10/10/2005 11:06 AM, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
>>Especially in the case of the Linux firewall, I have a solid, non-opaque 
>>choice (iptables) that I can interface with at a very explicit level.  
>>Is there a Windows analogue (I ask because I honestly don't know; all I 
>>know of are opaque choices)?
>If you're asking if you can interface with the built-in Windows Firewall
>using the command-line and scripts, then the answer is yes.

Actually, I'm asking for a lot more than that; I'm asking that the code 
that I'm interfacing with be examinable.  Otherwise, it's just another 
"black box" mechanism whose efficacy I must take on faith.  Whereas I 
personally may not have the chisenbop to audit the iptables code, the 
fact that an unlimited number of people with arbitrarily high capability 
*can* audit the iptables and related code counts for a lot.


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