[ale] LCD monitor question

Grant Robertson me at grantrobertson.com
Tue Nov 29 23:43:23 EST 2005

I think my Dell 1905FP does this, and if it does I'd be pretty sure
the 1705FP does (if it's 1280.. might be 1024 native)


On 11/27/05, Ken Arromdee <arromdee at rahul.net> wrote:
> Okay, this is only vaguely related to Linux (obviously, I'm planning to run
> Linux using the monitor, but that isn't really the problem), but I want to
> buy a 17" LCD monitor.
> The trouble is that a 17" LCD monitor typically has a screen size of
> 1280x1024, which is a 5:4 ratio, not a 4:3 ratio.
> If I want to run in 1024x768 or some other 4:3 mode on this monitor, and scale
> up, the proportions will be wrong unless the monitor is smart enough to
> scale it up to fit the screen *and* put black bars on the top and bottom.
> Which monitors will scale the resolution up and put in the black bars?  (I
> tried Google.  This was almost never helpful; just about everyone who
> mentioned that monitors can do this didn't name any.)
> (Note: I'm aware that not using the native resolution on an LCD monitor might
> produce a bad picture regardless of whether it's 4:3 or not.  Please, I don't
> need advice on this.  Some programs, particularly older Windows and DOS games,
> can't run in the native resolution.)
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F. Grant Robertson
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