[ale] running proftpd as a child of xinetd

Dow Hurst Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Sat Mar 5 17:08:17 EST 2005

rpcinfo -p "nameofhost"


rpcinfo -p science.kennesaw.edu

would try to query the portmapper on port 111 and request a list of RPC 
services and mappings.

If you can get that while on the local host or remotely then that tells 
you the portmapper is running and what RPC services are available either 
locally or over the network.  NFS is a RPC service so it requires that 
the portmapper be running.  So does FAM.

joh6nn wrote:

> Dow Hurst wrote:
>> sgi fam is the File Alteration Monitor and is a RPC service.  Looks 
>> like the pmap_set message is a portmapper failure to set the address 
>> for sgi_fam.  Are you starting up rpcbind/portmapper daemon 
>> properly?  Also, make sure you can telnet to the  port your after 
>> since you may have a firewall rule blocking your connection 
>> inadvertently.  I'd double check the firewall rules first.
>> Dow
> well, i know the firewall's not an issue since this worked fine when 
> proftpd was standalone.  and i haven't messed with rpcbind/portmapper 
> at all, so unless trying to move proftpd to xinetd caused some 
> news-to-me side-effect, then that's exactly as it was when i was 
> running proftpd as standalone (i should point out that, since i've 
> only the vaguest of ideas what either of those do, for all i know, "as 
> it was" could mean off or broken).
> supposing rpcbind/portmapper isn't running properly, how would i know, 
> and how would i fix it?
> --joh6nn
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