[ale] [Slightly OT] Simple(?) MySQL question

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 09:14:52 EDT 2005

Hash: RIPEMD160

Having searched about, before subscribing to a new specialty list to ask
what I rather suspect to be a fairly stupid question, I'm going to ask
it here:  How in the *world* do you get it so that a MySQL user can only
see, create, manipulate databases that are their MySQL username, an
underscore, and their database name?  I've seen this in use in places
before, where if my MySQL username is fd0man, the only databases I
create have to be in my own "namespace", e.g.:


Or whatever.  I would then have full permissions to those databases, and
zero permissions to anything else.  I thought the solution to this
problem would be to grant full permissions on 'fd0man_%' and have no
permission to the MySQL database 'mysql' or any other databases on the
system (e.g., 'mtrausch_%', for example).  However, I can still login to
something like phpMyAdmin and see everything.  I only want to see what I
am allowed to see.

I know it's possible; the question really just is, how?  And why doesn't
simple searches from Google yield me a result?  Perhaps I'm just too
stupid to figure out the keywords... I'm still working on that, though.

	- Mike

- --
Michael B. Trausch                                     fd0man at gmail.com
Web: http://fd0man.theunixplace.com/        Jabber: mtrausch at jabber.com
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