[ale] Tracking Mail Blast Logs

Jonathan Chum jchum at aismedia.com
Thu Jul 7 09:01:43 EDT 2005

My company wants to provide a service that allows users who pay to be able
to mail blast newsletters through a dedicated mail server much like other
services such as Constant Contact, Lyris.com, VerticalResponse.com, etc.


However, they want to provide statistics on each mail blast batch in a
reporting detail fashion much like what pflogsumm.pl can provide.


There are two concerns I have:


1.	The maillog files can become very large after a heavy mail blast to
half million subscribers potentially. Running a log analyzer that's written
in Perl might be too slow that a C based analyzer might be best. Has anyone
analyzed huge maillog files through a Perl script?
2.	How could you distinguish an entry in the maillog such that it's
associated to a particular user doing a mail blast? Would I embed a special
id in the header in the email message which the maillog picks up similar to
a messageID?


- Jonathan

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