[ale] brain damaged perl DBI

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Jan 28 06:34:29 EST 2005

James P. Kinney III wrote:
> This *&%*^ chunk of perl is not returning anything from the database. Is
> there something stupid I have missed (The data is there. A psql query
> return two lines which is correct. It does connect to the database as I
> copied the connection params from another working area).
> # connect to database
>   my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
>   my $id_start = $form->{id};
>   my @clone_list;
>   my %clone_test;
>   push @clone_list, $id_start;
>   $clone_test{$id_start} = 1;
>   foreach my $id (@clone_list){
>     my $query = qq|SELECT id 
>        FROM assembly  
>        WHERE parts_id = $id|;

I believe you'll need single quotes around $id above.

>     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
>     $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
>     my $ref;
>     while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref){
>       my $cloneid = [ @$ref ];
>       if ((! $clone_test{$cloneid}) && ($cloneid !~ $id_start)){
>         push @clone_list, $cloneid;
>         $clone_test{$cloneid}=1;
>       }
>     }
>     $sth->finish;
>   }
>   $dbh->disconnect;
>   open (OUT, ">/tmp/out.IC")||die "$!\n";
>   my $line = join ', ', @clone_list;
>   print OUT "clone_list = $line\n";
>   close OUT;
>   push @{ $form->{clone_list}}, @clone_list;
> The file /tmp/out.IC gets only "clone_list = 0" ?!?!?!
> I added prints to the while ($ref.....) block and got nothing. If I add
> a die in the while block, it dies at that point. so I know it's running.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Until later, Geoffrey

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